Rahvusvahelised uudised | 19 Nov 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
On November 19, Russian opposition leader and former deputy prime minister Boris Nemtsov was attacked at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport as he returned from a trip to the United States. He identified his attackers as members of the "Nashi" pro-Kremlin youth group. They ran from behind and placed a net on his head.

In Washington earlier this week, Mr. Nemtsov urged legislators and policymakers to impose a U.S. travel ban on senior Russian officials responsible for violating the Constitution, manipulating elections, establishing censorship and creating an atmosphere of hatred and political intimidation. Among those he proposed to place on the list was Kremlin deputy chief of staff Vladislav Surkov, who is responsible for domestic policy and oversees pro-government youth groups, including "Nashi".
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Rahvusvahelised uudised
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