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Statement by Premier Ernie Eves regarding the death of OPP police officer CNW
21 Sep 2003 EWR Online
TORONTO, Sept. 21 /CNW/ - On behalf of people across our province, I want to express my deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Ontario Provincial Police, Senior Constable John Paul Flagg. Constable Flagg,
54, who had served as an officer for 35 years, died yesterday.
Constable Flagg was on duty and died following a vehicle collision in Mississippi Mills Township, near Almonte Ontario.
Each day, our police officers put their lives on the line to protect our communities and keep our families safe. It is a sacrifice these officers make willingly -- because they are dedicated to protecting citizens, motivated by
their sense of duty and compelled by the honour of their profession.
I respect and admire the brave men and women who so willingly make sacrifices to serve their communities. I also thank their families, whose support allows them to do their jobs. Our thoughts are with the Flagg family
during this tragic and difficult time.
