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Stoltenberg: All NATO allies support Ukraine
10 Dec 2021 EWR Online
Source: NATO - pics/2021/12/58808_001_t.jpg
Source: NATO
At today's press conference in France, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized that Ukraine has the right to decide whether to join NATO and that no other country can do so on its behalf.

Both Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda and Polish President Andrzej Duda have rejected US President Biden statement that the United States and four other NATO countries would start discussing its red lines with Russia.

According to Nauseda, one's fate cannot be decided without talking to the subject. According to him, NATO must give a strong response to a potential aggressor, which would help to prevent aggression, and it is inappropriate to consider the red lines of a potential aggressor in this regard.

"As I told the President of the United States, the alarm bell is not just for Ukraine. The alarm bells are ringing for the entire NATO wing. The Baltic states are in particular danger," Nauseda said.

At a meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that tensions on Ukraine's border were primarily to be eased by Russia.

Stoltenberg promised that Ukraine would not be left in the lurch.

"Ukraine is not a NATO member. So the security guarantees does not apply for Ukraine. But at the same time, Ukraine is a highly valued partner of NATO. And all NATO Allies support Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty." he said.

Le Drian also warned Russia that any violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity would have far-reaching strategic consequences.