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Supporting Canadian-Estonian Students, enriching our community Estonian Life
22 Sep 2019 EL (Estonian Life)
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EFC Scholarship Deadline – October 15

Supporting Canadian-Estonian youth goes to the heart of the vision of the Estonian Foundation of Canada -- to ensure an Estonian future in Canada.

In addition to supporting community programming like Estonian heritage schools, choirs and folk-dancing, EFC supports Canadian-Estonian youth directly. The EFC Scholarship is available to post-secondary students in second year or above who have Estonian heritage and is given based on an application which includes a brief personal essay about the meaning of being Estonian.

The generous donors to Estonian Foundation of Canada make support for youth in our community possible.

EFC invites Canadian students of Estonian heritage who are in second year or above of their chosen post-secondary program to apply for the EFC Scholarship. Application Deadline: October 15, 2019.

Applications are available online or by contacting the office at 416-465-5600 or