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Survey Shows Postimees Has Biggest Readership in Estonia
08 Apr 2012 EWR Online
Estonian Review
The print media publication with the biggest readership in Estonia is Postimees, which has 194 000 readers, it appears from a recent survey by pollster TNS Emor.

In second place was the tabloid Õhtuleht with 143 000 readers and in third place the weekly rural paper Maaleht with 125 000 readers. The top three of print media publications did not change compared with early spring 2011, TNS Emor said.

According to the same survey, 572 000 people or 81.3% of Estonians aged 15-74 read at least one of the 99 print media publications covered by the survey. In the 2011 survey the number was 597 000, making up 85% of ethnic Estonians.