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Susi Holmberg õpetas pirukate tegemist noortele ja vanadele
11 Mar 2018 EWR Online
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Eesti Maja kööki tulid kokku noored ja vanad. Tuntud ja armas kokk Susi Holmberg andis õpetust pirukate tegemisest Eesti Kooli noortele ja ka mõnedele Pensionäri Klubi liikmetele. Tegime kolme sorti pirukaid: liha, porgandi ja magusa juustu-apelsiniga. Toidulõhnad olid kaugele tunda ja meelitasid ka meeskoori liikmeid lähemalt uudistama. Sellest sai hea koostöö algus.

Toronto Eesti Pensionäride Klubi juhatuse liikmed
Erika, Maimu, Ingrid ja Kristiina

The delicious smells from the Estonian House kitchen drew in many from throughout the house where Estonian activities were happening. In the kitchen they found an inter-generational cooking workshop, where Susi Holmberg was expertly teaching Estonian School youth and some members of the Estonian Toronto Seniors Club how to make three types of pirukad from scratch. We got to know the recipes as well as some secret tips from Chef Susi. We look forward to more inter-generational events!

Toronto Estonian Seniors Club board members
Erika, Maimu, Ingrid and Kristiina
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