The Swedish WireSweden will on Thursday unseal classified diplomatic files dealing with the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said.
"On Thursday we will do something that has really never been done before in Sweden: declassifying an important part of the foreign ministry's archive," Bildt wrote on his official blog Tuesday.
"We're talking about virtually all of our up-until-now secret reports from the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Baltic freedom movement under the dramatic year 1991," he added.
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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
?16 Feb 2011 09:30
Very Interesting.
Neither you nor (ex-??) communist Ansip does not want to get to the truth about how 852 innocents perished? up already!16 Feb 2011 07:58
This sort of story is fascinating to young boys, at the age just preceding an interest in girls. We should file it with UFO Abductions and the like because they're all from the same mould -- "Boy Detective, Erik Konze, Solves Mystery! World-Wide Conspiracy Covers it up."
unseal15 Feb 2011 20:55
Why does Sweden keep this a secret?
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