Reedel 22. oktoobril 2021 tähistati Eesti Sõjameeste Mälestuskirikus Toris, Pärnumaal kapten Harald Nugiseks’i 100. sünnipäeva.
Harald Nugiseks on sündinud 22. oktooberil 1921 Särevere vallas, Järvamaal, surnud 2. jaanuar 2014 Eestis. Nugiseks oli Saksa sõjaväes allohvitser ja Eesti eruohvitser, kes Teise maailmasõja ajal teenis vabatahtlikuna 20. Eesti Diviisis.
Alates 19. veebruarist 1944 oli Nugiseks rühmaülemaks Narva rindel. Seal ilmutatud sõdurivapruse eest autasustati teda 7. märtsil I klassi Raudristiga ning 20. aprillil Raudristi Rüütliristiga. Ta oli üks neljast eestlasest, kellele on antud Raudristi Rüütlirist, ainuke Eesti allohvitser seda teenida, isiklik vapruse eest.
Harald Nugiseks on ka jäädvustatud Kanada eestlaste mõõkade monumendil Seedriorul koos kolonel Alfons Rebane, kolonelleitnant Harald Riipalu ja major Paul Maitlaga.
Fotod: major Ülo Isberg
Tähistati kapten Harald Nugiseksi 100. sünnipäeva (9)
Eestlased Eestis | 24 Oct 2021 | EWR
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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
I think that Ulo Isberg meant to write that Nugiseks was a member of the German "armed forces" rather than the German "army".
Anyway, the real issue has to do with what if anything should be done with the monument at Seedrioru. Perhaps it is time to consign it to the ash heap of history along with the Toronto Estonian House and Lenin or move it to a suitable location on private property in Estonia.
Anyway, its something that the directors of the summer camp will have to deal with sooner or later and it is a thorny issue.
It seems that computer based translation has a long way to go yet as I had to read Veteran's comments several times before I could understand what he was trying to convey. The Estonian archbishop covid article is not much better.
Anyway, the real issue has to do with what if anything should be done with the monument at Seedrioru. Perhaps it is time to consign it to the ash heap of history along with the Toronto Estonian House and Lenin or move it to a suitable location on private property in Estonia.
Anyway, its something that the directors of the summer camp will have to deal with sooner or later and it is a thorny issue.
It seems that computer based translation has a long way to go yet as I had to read Veteran's comments several times before I could understand what he was trying to convey. The Estonian archbishop covid article is not much better.
Kulla Peeter, keegi ei püüa siin midagi varjata. Vaevalt Nugiseksil oma Saksa munder enam alles oli ja pealegi peaks teda selles näiama allohvitserina. Ei maksa varjata ka seda, et Eesti Vabariik ülendas ta kapteniks. Las ta kannab seda mundrit auga. Jah, see teema on hell, kuid ainult võõraste ees. Meie, eesti mehed, teadsime, kelle vastu me võitlesime ja miks me seda tehes võõrast sõjakuube kandsime. Äkki on see ka veel pahe, et tulistasime venelast saksa relvadest.
At least the Estonian newspapers accurately state that Nugiseks was a member of the Waffen SS. As far as I am aware, the Waffen SS to which the 20 Division belonged was separate from the Germany army. I realize that this is still a sensitive topic with many here but perhaps its time to just state the facts. I do not dispute that he earned his decoration for bravery against the evil empire but why try to hide the uniform he wore when he earned it.
Eestlased Eestis