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Tänavalt. From the street. Eesti Elu
14 Jan 2017 EL (Estonian Life)
 - pics/2017/01/49021_001_t.jpg

"Have you seen this cat?" And the small print: Vaata, kui ilus ta on! Ta ei ole kadunud, tahtsin teda sulle lihtsalt näidata! "Look at how beautiful s/he is! S/he is not lost, I simply wanted to show you how beautiful s/he is!" It definitely made me look.

We don't know if this ilus (beautiful) kass or kiisu (kitty) is a male or female of the species (isane või emane), since TEMA, short form TA, is gender-neutral and means both "he" and "she". But the person, be it male of female, who posted this on a prügi/tünn (garbage can) in Schnelli Park in Tallinn across from the Balti jaam train station is definitely a nalja/hammas (joker), literally "joke tooth" or nalja/tilk – "joke drop / drop of fun"... barrel of laughs, since they have a sense of humour huumori/meel or nalja/soon – gift for relaying the humorous. A soon is also a vessel, vere/soon = blood vessel and you can carve a soon into a rock for instance, as a pathway for water. Someone with a nalja/soon has humour flowing within.
Photo and text: Riina Kindlam, Tallinn