Rosemarie Lindau: “Hmmmm, what do I want people to know about us?”
Tiina Kiik: “Beats me…”
RL: (hearty laughter)
RL: “We decided to work together after I heard you playing accordion in a church basement at a fundraiser.”
TK: “It’s always a fundraiser!”
RL: (more hearty laughter)
RL: “And the rest is history! OK, that’s good enough for me.”
TK: (extremely high pitched, annoying laughter) “Yup! Let’s watch reruns on TV, while listening to our CD at the same time!”
TK: “Ja!”
Alice Fazooli’s! is located at 294 Adelaide St. W. in downtown Toronto. Tango Naturno will perform at 9 PM. CD release date info should be available for the audience at the January 14th show. See you there.