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Tango Naturno
30 Dec 2005 EL (Estonian Life)
Tiina Kiik and Rosemarie Lindau are Tango Naturno, performing cabaret tunes that sizzle. The dynamic dyad will take the stage as the second featured act of “Just a Night Out”, a musical showcase at Alice Fazooli’s! on January 14th. Tango Naturno has been working on a CD, which will be released very soon. We asked Rosemarie and Tiina to provide some background for our readers.
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Rosemarie Lindau: “Hmmmm, what do I want people to know about us?”
Tiina Kiik: “Beats me…”
RL: (hearty laughter)
RL: “We decided to work together after I heard you playing accordion in a church basement at a fundraiser.”
TK: “It’s always a fundraiser!”
RL: (more hearty laughter)
RL: “And the rest is history! OK, that’s good enough for me.”
TK: (extremely high pitched, annoying laughter) “Yup! Let’s watch reruns on TV, while listening to our CD at the same time!”
TK: “Ja!”
Alice Fazooli’s! is located at 294 Adelaide St. W. in downtown Toronto. Tango Naturno will perform at 9 PM. CD release date info should be available for the audience at the January 14th show. See you there.
