Tartu Rahvaülikooli segakoor Toronto Peetri kirikus VIDEO (8)
Eestlased Kanadas | 28 Jun 2024  | EWR
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Toronto Peetri kirikus esines neljapäeva õhtul Tartu Rahvaülikooli segakoor dirigent Lauri Breede juhatamisel. Laulis 39 lauljat, esitusele tuli lemmikviisid laulupidude repertuaaridest.

Tartu Rahvaülikooli segakoor tegutseb 2008. aastast. Koori nimekirjas oli algselt 160 lauljat, laulupeole registreerus neist 112. Koor jäi väiksemas koosseisus kokku ka peale üldlaulupidu ning endiselt harjutatakse koos Tartu Rahvaülikooli saalis. Et laulupeod ei ole igal aastal, siis loob koor ise oma laulupeod ja laulavad ikka. Ei puudu ka esinemised kontsertidel. Traditsiooniks on kujunenud osavõtt väikesaarte laulupidudest.

Kes Peetri kirikusse ei jõudnud, saab koori kuulata sellel nädalavahetusel Seedrioru Suviharjal.
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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
to: Bigger12 Jul 2024 11:39
The Estonian choirs were invited to Canada to perform at Laulupidu IX during Seedrioru Suvihari 2024. Seedrioru is easily accessible, with ample parking, great facilities, and a beautiful nature setting.

Before and after practices and performances there were opportunities for the audience and choirs to mingle and socialize in a relaxed atmosphere.

From the pictures posted the attendees at the church performances were mainly members of local choirs who also performed. Why is that?

Neither of the two facilities mentioned could realistically accommodate just one performance.

So why the quibbling?
Bigger?04 Jul 2024 18:20
How will there be bigger concerts at the planned KESKUS if the venue is smaller?
Sadly, very good events at Tartu College never draw the audience due to the location, inner city traffic congestion and parking issues. Our public transportation system needs a miracle to improve. I would suggest local Estonians work to improve the TTC as a positive way to use excess energy and emotions. (How many Estonians have worked at the TTC and worked to design and build the system in the past? Another interesting distraction.)
Why is our local Estonian community unaware of the architectural significance of St. Peter's Church for Toronto and Canada?
Why are some downplaying St. Peter's Church? It exists and is a miracle that it does exist.
What is it about Estonians that we find it difficult to appreciate what we have?
IF we want future generations to appreciate our culture, our Estonian heritage, our language and our community we need to learn how to show our gratitude and appreciation for what we have instead of finding fault in others.
Was it our difficulties in working together and finding common ground what led to the loss of our Estonian homeland in the past? Instead of working against one another we should work to save and maintain St. Peter's Church.
I can respect the desire for another venue in Toronto, but it should not be at the expense of another venue or people who do not need another venue. We have a very diverse Estonian community that we need to appreciate and value. This is not possible if we want everyone to agree on one solution and one outcome. We are not communists who want the same for everyone. I hope that Estonians have learned from the past to value our diversity.
Now we need to learn how to work together again as did the Estonian war refugees who settled in Canada and built our Estonian infrastructure. That was a miracle. Maybe we should learn more about our local Estonian history as a way to learn from our past?
It was a wonderful concert at Peetri kirik and a great event at Seedrioru. May our Estonian communities maintain our diversity....
to: Debbie D30 Jun 2024 14:52
I am pretty sure Tartu College is and will continue to be a part of Keskus... if am I misunderstanding something could you explain why TC will stop holding Estonian culture events?

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