Tegeleme Toronto Eesti Maja ümberehituse ettepanekuga: 'Mis oleks kui!? EST, ENG VIDEO TÄIENDATUD (12)
Eestlased Kanadas | 31 Dec 2020  | EWR
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Siit täiendatud Aleks Meiusi video arhitekt Lembit Torgi Toronto Eesti Maja renoveerimise projektist.

Chester Hill oli koht mis pakub parimat vaadet järvele ja linnale üle Don Valley oru. Uues osas, vana Chester koolimaja taga, kõige üleval oleks paviljon mis on mõeldud 'majakana', ehk 'laternina.' Fassaadis soovime ajaloolise hoone tuua välja originaalhiilguses. See ilus hoone on nüüdseks eest kaetud juurdeehitusega, mis sinna ehitati ligi 40 aastad tagasi. Vana koolimaja on muinsuskaitse all, nii et muinsuskaitset peab säilitama niikuinii. Kanada riiklikud toetused abistavad hoone originaalsust omapoolse finantseerimisega.

Võtsime inspiratsiooni Eestist kui otsustasime ehitada uue Toronto Eesti Maja puit-tehnoloogias. Selle tehnoloogia abil saab ehitada väga kiiresti. Kontori ja konverentsikeskuse osa, mis on uus õuepoolne osa, pluss uued konstruktsioonid maja ees, oleksid liimpuidust postidest ja taladest.

Põhiideeks on aga: rohkem inimesi, rohkem üürnike, rohkem ettevõtteid. Selline on visioon funktsioonidest, mis lisanduvad olemasolevatele, mida on pakkunud Eesti Maja eestlastele Torontos.
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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
To our news media13 Sep 2020 07:40
FYI Eesti Elu is not government funded. As an ethnic newspaper the postage costs to subscribers are partially funded. Tartu College and Elmar Tampold, with their own exclusivist academic agenda managed to get VE and ME to merge under dubious financial aegis, machinations leading to a fact that we do not have an independent newspaper. Say what you will about EWR it is the only free, in terms of no subscription and no glavlit, ie censorship outlet in the world. Trei's article was published in Estonian Life under his name, with the dubious addendum of the paper making clear that the views were the author's, not Estonian Life's. Not even the leftist Toronto Star does that. Later the Trei article was removed from the EE website, remained up here at EWR. Estonian Life published an inflammatory and frankly libellous statement along the lines that posting Trei's opinion - not editorial, cannot we have ideas, opinions and free expression of same?- was an error. Some others might have taken legal action. Wonder who pressured our so-called independent voice to do so?
Sadly the principles of Vaba Eestlane - Free Estonian - and Meie Elu - Our Life - have been subsumed by the nefarious aims and agenda of our censorious moneyed academic elite, not responsible or responsive a whit to the community. Just look at the IEC and EM imbroglio.
Saladus valitseb, ausus ja avameelus puudub. Kas sellist yhiskonda me tahtsime?
to Toomas T.03 Sep 2020 11:45
Are you saying your piece was NOT published by Eesti Elu, with no author identified, or that you are not aware of it?
Toomas03 Sep 2020 11:01
Everything that I have written has been under my name.
"News" and opinions are different.
Opinion pieces [Arvamused] - are just that. You don't like mine, ok write your own article.
Your "spurious attacks on ... leaders"' (without specific details), appear to be a a mere personal deflection from my accurate depictions.
My influence at Eesti Elu is zero.

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