Eesti Elu
Tere Tulemast! Welcome to Estowear... (1)
Eestlased Austraalias | 13 May 2011  | Eesti Elu
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In September 2010, two enthusiastic Estonians with a genuine love for the rich culture of their home country created ‘Estowear’. Imbi and Paul – Estowear’s founders – are first generation Australians with Estonian parentage. The couple’s passion for all things Estonian –
as well as their extensive fashion design experience – is what led them to embark on this exciting venture.

Throughout her childhood in Adelaide, Imbi was heavily involved with the Estonian community; from Saturday morning Estonian School to singing and folk dancing, she spent valuable hours learning about a culture that many Australians did not even know existed. Her
involvement in community activities continued throughout her life and included teaching Estonian folk dancing to children and volunteering as a leader at the Estonian Summer Camp for Children, ‘Sõrve’. Now based in Sydney, Imbi continues to be a part of various Estonian
committees and is passionate about keeping Estonian culture alive for the next generation of Estonians living in Australia.

Born in Sydney, Paul also grew up with strong ties to his native Estonian culture and language. In the early 90s, he founded a small Estonian clothing company – Estart - which was a pioneering brand at the time. Producing t-shirts emblazoned with images of iconic Estonian art, Estart soon became a successful mail order and wholesale business, supplying a wide range of tourist shops in Tallinn, as well as selling to the Estonian community across the
globe. Despite its success, Estart was only a sideline project for Paul – he was also involved with a number of surfwear, streetwear and sportswear companies and continues to involve himself in the apparel industry today as a product and design developer.

With Estonia restoring its independence in 1991, joining the European Union in 2004 and adopting the Euro in 2011, the last two decades have seen a lot of change for the country. So too were changes occurring in the lives of Imbi and Paul; when the pair got together, a marriage of ideas and concepts began to emerge. With over 20 years’ experience in fashion, design and marketing between them, Imbi and Paul pooled their industry knowledge and
Estowear was created – an online clothing business incorporating Estonian graphics on apparel, headwear and accessories. The couple’s passion for their home country of Estonia, its culture and its people, makes it easy for them to deliver the creativity that defines the Estowear brand.

Estowear’s extensive range of high-quality sportswear and streetwear apparel and accessories all feature uniquely Estonian imagery. From Viking ships to Old Tallinn cityscapes, cornflowers to Estonian graphics, every item portrays a striking image of Estonian culture.
The majority of Estowear products are carefully made to order and not mass produced. Imbi and Paul take great care and pride in creating and producing the best quality products for their customers.

With the Internet and online shopping, it is now so much easier for people from around the world to share Imbi and Paul’s passion for all things Estonian. This really was the only way to establish Estowear as a global brand and to find out where all the passionate Estonians were hibernating! Whether your connection with Estonia is through heritage, family, friends or simply an interest in this vibrant culture - Estowear is your brand.

2011 is an exciting year for Estowear! After popular demand, the Estowear Gift Vouchers will soon be launched, enabling everyone to send a gift voucher via email or post to family, friends and business associates anywhere in the world. Plus, how would you like to see your design on an Estowear item of clothing? Estowear is always on the lookout for new talent, ideas and concepts that express the rich and diverse culture of Estonia - whether a simple child’s graphic or an artistic landscape image or photograph, Imbi and Paul are eager to hear from you. Submit your designs at – you may be eligible to win a $200 Estowear Gift Voucher!

And so, Imbi and Paul invite you to browse the Estowear collection at, to wear their clothing with pride and to join them in celebrating all things Estonian!
 - pics/2011/05/32346_1_t.jpg
 - pics/2011/05/32346_2_t.jpg

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Mati Pungas09 Jun 2011 04:33
In Memoriam - praost emeritus Johannes Aarik

...jaanikuuõhtune moto: Sirelid õits`vad kui meeletud, võttes mu meeled keeletuks...!

Kuni kevadsuviste õite ajani kogusin mälestuslõngasid Eestis, mida tunnetada, sest lahkus tore vanahärra praost emeritus Johannes Aarik keset Eestimaa sügavat talve 2011.a. küünlakuus.

Olen tundnud suurt poolehoidu tagasihoidliku ja väärika, kuid suure rännumehe Johannes Aariku pika elutee jälgimisel, põimides hetki tema mälestusteloo kokkuvõtteks, meenutusteks...
Praost emeritus Johannes Aarik sündis 7. maikuupäeval 1912. aastal Võnnu vallas Tartumaal, praeguse Tartu – Räpina maantee lähedal Hammastes, kus tänapäevast maanteed palistavat paplialleed märgates tuleks autost-raudruunal kiirust vähendada ning pöörata enne teeveerel asuvat kollast majakest paremale.
Taluhoonete asukoht on avara põldudemassiivi keskel mõnusal künkal, kuhu on kokkuveetud mõned vahvalt suured kivimürakad, millistele ronides tunned õhtuse suvepäikese rauget soojust, mis tuleb kui kivi sisemusest ja annab rahutunde kehale ja hingele. Talu õues kasvaval iidsel pärnapuul võid kätega tüve emmates olla kui looduslaps, tundes lembepuu mõjuvälja ja ammutades omale looduse ürgset energiat, - nii ka siis rahuneb rahutu inimhing nagu metsaviirg silmapiiril suveõhtu sumedas vines.
See paik oli Johannese sünnikoht.

Kooliteed alustas poisike Võnnu algkoolides, hiljem juba Hugo Treffneri gümnaasiumis Taaralinnas. Haritud noormees läks vabatahtlikuna Eesti Vabariigi kaitseväkke ja sai armeeteenistuses allohvitseriks. Tartu ülikooli usuteaduskonna lõpetas 25-aastane nooruk 1937.a.
Tallinna Toomkirikus ordineeriti noor vaimumees piiskop dr. Rahamägi poolt 1938.aastal ja nii algas noore vaimuliku pikk elutee. Päästes end sõja jalust ja vene okupatsioonist, asus Johannes 1944.a Saksamaale ja oli Geislingeni Eesti põgenikelaagri noorteõpetaja, kuni siirdus 1950.aastal Ameerika Ühendriikidesse Connecticuti osariiki. Järgnevalt asus ta Los Angelese Peetri koguduse õpetajaks ning abiellus psühholoogia magister Ella Toometiga 1959.a, kellest sai ka kiriku organist.
1963.a valiti Aarik Austraalia Adelaide eesti koguduse õpetajaks, kus teenis 37 aastat, sellest praostina 14 aastat kuni pensionile jäämiseni 2000.aastal.

Uuel eluetapil naases vaimulik vanapaar iseseisvuse taastanud Eesti Vabariiki 2000ndal aastal,
kus asuti elama Ella Toomet (Tomson) lapsepõlve kodumajja Tallinnas Nõmmel Rahu tänav 19.
Nii saabuti vabasse Eestisse tagasi, et nautida 88-aastaselt vanaduspõlve koduses Eestis.

Ajaloo keerdkäikude selgituseks võib lisada, et abikaasa Ella kodumaja Rahu tänaval oli Ella vanemate nõusolekul elukohaks ka vene vangilaagrist naasnud „Otto Tief`i 1944.a –vahevalitsuse“ ministrile hr.Arnold Susile ning tema tütrele Helile.
Samuti peatus Rahu tänaval Eestis olles tolleaegne vene demokraadist Nobeli kirjanduspreemia laureaat Aleksandr Solzenitsõn, kes tol ajal kirjutas Eestis maapaos olles Arnold Susi toetusel Kopli-Mardi talus oma maailmakuulsat teost „GULagi arhipelaag“.

Ja nüüdse sajandi alguskümnendi aastad veetis vanahärra Rahu tänaval oma vennapoja Reinu hooldusel, kes taastas oma isa ja onu Johannese kodutalu Võnnus ning kasvatab seal eduka põllumehena mitmesajal hektaril teravilja ja see korras talupidamine tegi vanahärrale alati rõõmu.
Praost emeritus Johannes Aarik puhkab nüüd Tallinnas Hiiu Rahu kalmistul koos oma abikaasa Ella Aarik-Toometiga, kes lahkus meie hulgast 2001.aastal.
Johannes tavatses kasutada oma kiriklikul jutlusel sõnu - „Tegutse ja tee, mida Jumal ütleb.”
„Jumal on armastus.“
Puhake rahus, olgu kodumuld teile kerge!

Mati Pungas, Tallinnas 4. juunikuupäeval; Eesti lipu päeval 2011. a

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