The CCP Virus
Arvamus | 15 Apr 2020  | EWR
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Falun Gong or Falun Dafa has long roots. Founded as a Chinese religious practice that combines meditation and qigong exercises with a moral philosophy it centers on the tenets of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. This movement has been seriously persecuted in China in recent decades.

The Epoch Times is a multi-language newspaper, first published in Atlanta in the year 2000. The focus is on truth and tradition. It was founded in 2000 by journalists associated with Falun Gong. The weekly was published in many countries and up until recently it was available in Toronto for free. Now the publication is only available on the internet through subscription.

Strangely, critics from the left have labelled ET as a far-right, neoconservative publication promoting bizarre conspiracy theories. Nothing could be further from the truth. The pacifist Falun Gong movement is intent on revealing the truth about what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is doing in China. News, which never reaches the west, especially via the mainstream print media in the U.S., which is, as is well-known, primarily of a leftist, liberal slant.

ET provides excellent cultural, health and lifestyle articles as well. With Falun Gong’s global network we find out what the CCP is in fact doing. Many in the West still believe the party line, unfortunately.

This month, April 2020, when the full extent and sweep of the COVID-19 coronavirus was comprehended ET decided to publish a special newsprint issue, distributed free, revealing factually how the CCP has endangered the entire world. The CCP’s cover-up led to a pandemic that is global in sweep. This valuable issue merits reading, especially by those who claim that the publication is a conspiracy supporter. By focussing on the facts rather than false news and obfuscation ET provides a view of what really took place.

Consider the following. A medical professional, Dr. Shawn Whatley, no less than a Past President of the OMA, the Ontario Medical Association wrote, “I first learned about the damage by the new aggressive Wuhan Virus from the Epoch Times. Kudos to ET for doing what we pay the departments of health billions of dollars to do.”

The entire special issue is incredibly revealing. The editorial especially so. Its title: “Why the Coronavirus should be called the CCP Virus.” The editor explains “the name holds the CCP accountable for its wanton disregard of human life and consequent spawning of a pandemic … while creating widespread fear and devastating the economies of nations trying to cope with this disease.”

For proof, ET notes that those nations and individuals “close to the communist regime” are suffering the worst effects – the surge in infections in China’s ally Iran, and economical partner – the only one from the G7 - Italy. Both countries have many Chinese nationals working for low wages in manufacturing and construction.

Had the Communist regime reacted earlier the death count everywhere would be much, much lower and perhaps a global flattening of the curve might have already been reached. ET’s editor cites a recent study by the University of Southampton. Impartial, for sure. That study noted that if preventive measures such as early detection, cordon sanitaire, travel restrictions, isolation would have been put in place by the CCP three weeks earlier than actual disclosure cases could have been reduced by 95%. Two weeks – 86%, one week 66%. This would have significantly limited the geographical spread of the virus.

Beijing’s cover-up is revealed in detail. An interesting fact. Privacy advocates in the free world have been bemoaning the use of cell phone monitoring to track the advance of the disease. The Chinese regime requires all Chinese to use their cellphones to generate a health code. Without that physical movement in China is banned. ET’s April special has an article noting that there are 21 million fewer cellphones in use in China since the outbreak. This may suggest a high CCP virus death toll, greater than what the CCP has owned. As well funeral homes were working 24/7 in Wuhan, shipments of urns to the city where COVID-19 was first noticed in November belie the official death toll. And now the blockade of Wuhan has lifted, yet wet markets are still operating.

For Canadians ET provides a timeline of how the cover-up affected Canada’s actions. Mind-boggling to read what Health Minister Patty Hajdu said, “China has been very open” on February 17 when in fact the cover-up was gathering steam.

Read this special issue of ET. Make up your own mind, research trusted sources, look at the denials from a left-wing media and wonder why this is being done. We know what communism is capable of. A sinister plan to weaken Western economies? Some dare suggest that, yet that may be far-fetched. Let’s not swallow any more propaganda and lies emanating from the communist rulers of Beijing, entirely responsible for this global pandemic.

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