The Estonian Footprint Worldwide
Eestlased Eestis | 08 Dec 2010  | EWR OnlineEWR
U.S. Embassy, Tallinn
Rare earth metals come from ore formations that are used in a wide variety of applications essential to our daily lives; from medical lasers to the automotive industry to our iPods and Blackberrys. Few of us know what rare earth elements are, but all of us rely on them, including those refined here in Estonia at the Silmet factory.

Silmet, located in north-eastern Estonia, is one of the very few refiners of these elements outside of China. The factory produces 3,000 metric tons per year of rare earth metals and they form a part of the ever-strengthening Estonian export market, including to the United States. During the 1990s the vast majority of rare earth metal-refiners closed their doors, but through product diversification and tenacity the Estonian factory was able to survive. It is not surprising that demand for these elements with their applicability in the high-tech sphere is constantly increasing.

The next time you check your smart phone, rely on radar to keep you safe while flying, or start your car may be a good opportunity to reflect on one of Estonia's more esoteric contributions to our high tech world.
Eestlased Eestis