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The Great Mayday Caption Contest
28 Apr 2005 EL (Estonian Life)
Dear Reader,

May is at hand and workers the world over prepare to celebrate Mayday. EL joins the Mayday parade with the GREAT MAYDAY CAPTION CONTEST.
 - pics/2005/9864_1.jpg


1. Submit a caption or title to the enclosed picture.

2. Submission may be in English, French, Estonian or any mixture of the three. [Examples: “How do you like me so far, eh?”, “Ta place ou la mienne, Babette?”, “Savisaar juhib taas eesti rahvast”.]

3. Deadline for RECEIPT of entries is May 9th . Postal cancellation date is taken as definitive - just as with your tax return. E-mail submissions are subject to vagaries of IPS dating.

4. Entries may be mailed in to: Editor, Estonian Wife, 3 Madison Ave., Toronto, Ontario M5R 2S2 or e-mailed to

5. In true Estonian tradition, entries will be judged by a dour panel of stiff and humorless geezers.

6. The judges’ decisions are final.

7. By entering, author agrees to transfer copyright to captions/titles to EE.

8. Best entries, if suitable for publication in a family oriented paper, will be published both in the paper and on-line editions.

Valuable prizes:

First Prize: One week’s free subscription to EE (more info, see

Second Prize: Unsold leftover used clothing and shoes from the HIIGELBASAAR (more info, see or

Third Prize: 20% price reduction to FORAY NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR 2005 (more info, see

Photo: Nicolle LeMay Drew