The Historica-Dominion Institute launches new program to challenge youth to become more active informed citizens
Eestlased Kanadas | 24 Sep 2010  | EL (Estonian Life)Eesti Elu

September, 2010

The Historica-Dominion Institute is challenging students from sea to sea in its new program – the Canadian Citizenship Challenge.

“This will be a fun way for students to learn about Canada and feel proud of our shared history and accomplishments,” said Minister Kenney. “As we learn about our past and the people and events that made Canada what it is today, we become more proud to be Canadian. We are inspired to see how we can defend our rights and live up to our responsibilities and we feel much more strongly how valuable it is to be a citizen of Canada.”

Students from Grade 7 to 12 (Secondary I-V in Quebec)are eligible to enter. The Challenge can be entered by students and teachers online at: www.canadiancitizenshipchallen... and the Grand Prizes include two “Student Citizen of the Year” trips to Ottawa for the highest scoring students and an in-school Citizenship Celebration for the winning classroom hosted by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism.

The Historica-Dominion Institute believes that every Canadian should be able to answer the same questions posed to new Canadians hoping to become citizens. The Canadian Citizenship Challenge is an opportunity to work with teachers, students, and the federal government to ensure that all Canadians understand the value and importance of their citizenship.

“Knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of Citizenship is not just for new Canadians, it’s for all Canadians” says Andrew Cohen, President of the Historica-Dominion Institute.

The Institute is the largest, independent charitable organization dedicated to promoting memory, citizenship and identity. The Institute's mandate is to build active and informed citizens through a greater knowledge and appreciation of the history, heritage and stories of Canada. Visit

This project is made possible through funding from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and prizes have been generously donated by Key Porter Books, Canada’s National History Society, and Red Canoe Heritage Brands.

For further information please contact:
Amy Robichaud-Harpe, Program Coordinator
1.866.701.1867 x.229

Our mailing address is:
The Historica-Dominion Institute
43 Front St. E
Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario M5E 1B3

Eestlased Kanadas