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The International Estonian Centre Estonian Life
13 Aug 2019 EL (Estonian Life)
 - pics/2019/08/54236_001_t.jpg
Update #57 - Estonia's Ministry of Culture held a well-attended conference in Tallinn on July 3, 2019 within esto2019 to discuss how to strengthen Estonia's footprint around the world. The International Estonian Centre being built in Toronto is an exciting flagship building and Chair of the IEC Steering Committee, Ellen Valter presented the IEC vision to participants who had gathered from around the world. The enthusiasm the IEC generated in the room was evidenced in the comments and questions from the audience and spilled over into the social time after the presentations. "This Centre is exactly what my generation needs," said an esto2019 youth delegate, 23-year-old Viivianne Malmgren from Virginia, "a new, modern, clean and current home that reflects who we are today. I am looking forward to planting myself in the outdoor square of this centre to meet my Estonian friends from all over the world. Indeed, this Centre may be a good reason to move to Toronto!"