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The Man Who Dared - Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson VIDEO
18 Oct 2015 Tauno Mölder
Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, former Icelandic Minister of Foreign Affairs, gave an impressive lecture at Tartu College, expanding on the topic of Baltic re-independence. His speech at Tartu College, titled "Transforming from Totalitarianism to Democracy: Learning from the Baltic Experience" touched on various topics from the Baltic situation in the early 90s to present day Ukraine and even the Middle East.

Mr. Hannibalsson was also the star of the film "Those Who Dare", which screened at Bloor Hot Docs Cinema during EstDocs Gala night on Friday.

The well attended speech elicited many questions from attending representatives of various communities, including Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian and Icelandic.
Here is a short excerpt from his speech. Look for a longer version in the near future at Estonian World Review.

See here for full video and text:

Photos: Peeter Põldre
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Eva Varangu and Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson - pics/2015/10/46053_005_t.jpg
Eva Varangu and Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson
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EstDocs director Kristi Sau-Doughty - pics/2015/10/46053_007_t.jpg
EstDocs director Kristi Sau-Doughty
Eva Varangu, President of ESK - pics/2015/10/46053_008_t.jpg
Eva Varangu, President of ESK
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Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson
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Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson - pics/2015/10/46053_011_t.jpg
Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson
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