The Wall Street Journal.
As Coronavirus Surges in U.S., Some Countries Have Just About Halted It
Jason Douglas
Some European nations are closing in on a milestone that to the U.S. seems distant: virtually stopping the new coronavirus from spreading within their territories.
Echoing the achievement of Asia-Pacific countries such as New Zealand, Vietnam and Taiwan, a handful of places in Europe are reporting only a smattering of new daily infections. Their success in containing the pandemic has allowed them to reopen their economies earlier, at a faster clip and with greater confidence than the stop-start efforts of U.S. states and hard-hit neighbors such as the U.K...
The Wall Street Journal. As Coronavirus Surges in U.S., Some Countries Have Just About Halted It
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 06 Jul 2020 | EWR
Rahvusvahelised uudised