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The Washington Post Arizona, Florida, Texas are latest coronavirus epicenters
29 Jun 2020 EWR Online
 - pics/2020/06/56623_001_t.jpg

Derek Hawkins, Michael Birnbaum, Meryl Kornfield, Siobhán O'Grady, Kareem Copeland, Marisa Iati, Felicia Sonmez
Confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States surpassed 2.5 million on Sunday as a crushing new wave of infections continued to bear down throughout the country’s South and West. Across the nation, 40,587 new daily cases were reported.

Florida, Texas and Arizona are emerging as the country’s latest epicenters after reporting record numbers of new infections for weeks in a row. Positivity rates and hospitalizations have also spiked. On Sunday, Arizona (3,857) and Georgia (2,225) hit new one-day case highs.

Global cases of covid-19 exceeded 10 million, according to a count maintained by Johns Hopkins University, a measure of the power and spread of a pandemic that has caused vast human suffering, devastated the world’s economy and still threatens vulnerable populations in rich and poor nations alike.

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