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The world is binary
13 Apr 2018 Tõnu Naelapea
Chaos vs. order
For some curious reason clinical psychologist and University of Toronto professor Jordan B. Peterson is a polarizing figure. Social media has contributed to this greatly. On the one hand, you have the rabid, vocal, entitled Western left, who label Peterson an alt-right male chauvinist. Which in no way is true. And on the other hand you have those capable of thinking for themselves. His students, his readers and viewers. (Peterson’s Youtube videos are reasoned and well-thought out.)

But do not take my word for the latter observation. Consider that his UofT students consistently rank him among the best three educators that they have ever had. Or that his recent book, fresh on the shelves, 12 Rules for Life. An Antidote to Chaos is at the moment atop most Canadian non-fiction bestseller list. It is also among Amazon’s and British booksellers’ fastest moving books, most popular works.

Better yet, read this book. Avoid the expected praise on the back cover – among them Camille Paglia, quite the right-wing feminist, yet very intelligent and observant, who calls Peterson the “most important and influential Canadian thinker since Marshall McLuhan.” Perhaps so. Yet Paglia’s endorsement will certainly ruffle feathers among those who demand preferential treatment in the name of equality. Paradoxically ensuring that equality is just a slogan, much like the Marxist mentality demands.

If nothing else, whether in the bookstore or the library, read UofT professor Norman Doige’s foreword. It should convince you to buy or borrow the book. And read it one must, to understand much of what is wrong in our world.

Curiously, a teenaged Peterson – up until the age of 18 – worked for the New Democratic Party in Alberta. Influenced by his school librarian, the mother of Alberta Premier Rachel Notley. Citing Orwell in 12 Rules he notes that he saw mainly intellectual, tweed-wearing middle class socialists agitating for change who "didn't like the poor; they just hated the rich". May I remind the reader of Canada’s silver-spoon socialists, no names necessary? He quit the NDP.

Peterson identifies politically as a “classic British liberal”. His interests led him to study and concentrate on totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and religion. His book is chock full of references to Marxism, Communism and Fascism, peppered with biblical references. He is no Bible-thumper – yet he uses both the Old and New Testament to bolster his argument.

Which in a nutshell is black and white. Life is suffering. Our Being – with a capital B – needs rules to survive this, the eternal conflict between chaos and order. Good and evil. Wrong and right. Peterson does not moralize or proselytize. He acknowledges that life can be brutal.

Read the entire article in Eesti Elu/Estonian Life #15, Friday, April 13, 2018