Toronto Eesti Maja suure saali katuse paranduse praegune seis VIDEO (13)
Eestlased Kanadas | 05 Jul 2018  | Tauno MölderEWR

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Seedrioru Suviharjal jäi EWR kaamera ette Toronto Eesti Maja hooldus manager Roul Martjak. Pärisime temalt suure saali katuse praeguse olukorra kohta.
Reporter Tauno Mölder.

Viimased kommentaarid

Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Markus Alliksaar11 Jul 2018 15:07
Hey Mr. Community Center not Guns, so what is it to you if TEPP is looking after its interests? Instead of bashing people who don't toe your line, why don't you do something positive and explain how the Madison Ave Project is a positive development for the current users of the EM? Since the new center is so great, this should be easy.

Also, why don't you identify yourself.
Markus Alliksaar11 Jul 2018 15:04
So, Mr. Anonymous, if the EM lasketiir is so unpopular (all the thumbs-down to your comment aside), it should be no problem for you to identify yourself and earn all the laurels that the EM will heap on you for your position.
n/a05 Jul 2018 09:22
So hr. JJ

Seems that you have come over to the pro-Madison group. Was it Fr. Eestica members that convinced you or the realization that you could have even more members in maleklubi than ever?

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Eestlased Kanadas