Music will be provided by Peeter Kopvillem and some special guests.
Date: Friday, November 6th in the Esto House Café
Doors open at 7PM - $10 Cover charge
Come out and share some stories, see some long lost friends,
and make some new ones.
(Quebec passports not required.)
The night will feature some great prizes,
and the official culinary roll out of the soon to be famous
Montreal Smoked Meat Pirukas.
Toronto Eesti Majas (3)
Teadaanded | 07 Oct 2009 | EWR
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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
...brought back some pleasant memories.
Just one very minor linguistic correction -- when ordering a hot-dog in proper "joual", it's not "all dressed", it's "all dresse".
Just one very minor linguistic correction -- when ordering a hot-dog in proper "joual", it's not "all dressed", it's "all dresse".
Aga Jumala parast ärge unustage [i]les patates frites et les steamés all dressed!![i]
Poutine, Pogo et Pepsi!
pas de piroukas
pas de piroukas