Toronto Estonian Girl Guides Announcement
Teadaanded | 17 May 2013 | EL (Estonian Life)Eesti Elu
My name is Kristi Kukk, a former Põhjala Tütar. I am currently a Masters student in the History Department at Nipissing University. Over the next month I will be interviewing former members who participated in the Toronto Estonian Girl Guides, either as a Girl Guide leader or as a Girl Guide, between 1950 and 1970. As part of my Masters Thesis, I wish to explore the every-day experiences of the Toronto Estonian Girl Guides including its reflection on the Estonian community in Toronto and the perseverance of Estonian language, culture, and history. Since the story of the Toronto Estonian Girl Guides is missing from a larger history, it is very important for me as a historian, and as a former Estonian Girl Guide, to shed light onto the experiences of the organization and its members. My project has already gained interest of many people who were knew very little of the Estonian community in Toronto, let alone the Estonian Girl Guides. I wish to continue to gain interest by the larger academia in Ontario and to inform them of the history of our community. If you or someone you know has been a member of the Toronto Estonian Girl Guides during the 1950s and 1970s and is willing to contribute to this story, share their experiences, and participate in an interview with me please feel free to contact my by phone: (705) 845-7423 or by Everyone’s story is welcome!