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Trump declares he's president of law, order amid protests CTV
01 Jun 2020 EWR Online
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Jonathan Lemire, Zeke Miller and Alan Suderman
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Amid racial unrest across the nation, U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday declared himself "the president of law and order" and threatened to deploy the United States military to American cities to quell a rise of violent protests.

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As Trump spoke, an incredible TV split screen developed around the White House. While he addressed the nation in the White House's idyllic Rose Garden, a series of military vehicles rolled out front on Pennsylvania Avenue and military police and law enforcement clashed with protesters at Lafayette Park.

Those peaceful demonstrators were cleared so Trump could walk across the park to St. John's Episcopal Church, known as "The Church of the Presidents," which suffered fire damage in a protest this week. Holding a Bible, he then stood with several of his Cabinet members as the cameras clicked.

"We have the greatest country in the world," Trump declared. "We're going to keep it safe."

Trump said he would mobilize "thousands and thousands" of soldiers to keep the peace if governors did not use the National Guard to shut down the protests. Loud tear gas explosions could be heard as authorities moved what appeared to be peaceful protests in the park. The escalation came just after Attorney General William Barr came to the park to to survey the demonstrators......
