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Turkey threatens year’s delay to Swedish and Finnish entry to Nato
14 Jun 2022 EWR Online
The Turkish MP Akif Çağatay Kılıç said Ankara deserved greater respect from Nato members. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images - pics/2022/06/59345_001_t.webp
The Turkish MP Akif Çağatay Kılıç said Ankara deserved greater respect from Nato members. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Turkey has said it is willing to delay Swedish and Finnish membership of Nato for more than a year unless it receives satisfactory assurances that the two Nordic countries are willing to address support for Kurdish groups it regards as terrorist organisations, reports The Guardian.

Turkey accuses Sweden and Finland of harbouring members of the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK) and also objects to their decisions in 2019 to ban arms exports to Ankara due to Turkey’s military operations in Syria.

“This is a matter of vital national interest, and we are prepared to prevent their membership for as long as a year if necessary,” said Akif Çağatay Kılıç, an MP for the ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) and chair of the Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee. “Turkey is the second largest army in Nato and has been providing the drones that help Ukraine defend itself. We deserve greater respect.”

He said Turkey respected its own duties and responsibilities to the alliance. “What are [Sweden and Finland] going to do? They have been harbouring terrorist organisations that kill my people, disrespect my borders, pose an existential threat to my country. The only thing we demand is that there are no distinctions. A terrorist organisation is a terrorist organisation.”

Turkish officials have said they want to see specific Kurdish activists deported to Turkey, as well as the sacking of the Swedish defence minister, Peter Hultqvist, over a 2011 meeting with the PKK, which has been designated as a terrorist organisation in Sweden since 1984.

Ankara would like the two countries to sever ties with the US-backed Syrian Kurdish autonomous administration, which Turkey says has a synonymous leadership to the PKK.

Finland has fewer problems with Turkey, but has said it is unlikely to press ahead with a membership request without Sweden.

Finnish media reported that the country received 10 Turkey-related extradition requests between 2019 and 2022. It granted two of those requests and is processing seven.