UNESCO has honoured the capital of Lithuania with its peace medal, thereby recgonizing Vilnius' success in developing friendly relations between differing groups and a civil society. UNESCO's secretary-general, Koichiro Matsuura, will be handing over a $20,000 prize money on March 18th in Morocco at UNESCO's 107th parliamnetary conference.
UNESCO nimetas Vilniuse rahu linnaks Eesti Päevaleht (english)
Kuumad uudised | 09 Mar 2002 | EEEWR
UNESCO autasustas Vilniust rahu linna preemiaga, avaldades sellega tunnustust Leedu pealinna edusammudele sõbraliku elukeskkonna ja tsiviilühiskonna loomisel. Vilnius saavutas esikoha 21 Euroopa ja Põhja-Ameerika linna ees. UNESCO peasekretär Koichiro Matsuura annab 20.000 dollari suuruse preemia üle 18. märtsil Marokos, kus toimub UNESCO 107. parlamentidevaheline konverents.
UNESCO has honoured the capital of Lithuania with its peace medal, thereby recgonizing Vilnius' success in developing friendly relations between differing groups and a civil society. UNESCO's secretary-general, Koichiro Matsuura, will be handing over a $20,000 prize money on March 18th in Morocco at UNESCO's 107th parliamnetary conference.
UNESCO has honoured the capital of Lithuania with its peace medal, thereby recgonizing Vilnius' success in developing friendly relations between differing groups and a civil society. UNESCO's secretary-general, Koichiro Matsuura, will be handing over a $20,000 prize money on March 18th in Morocco at UNESCO's 107th parliamnetary conference.
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