USA senati teatel andis senati täiskogu heakskiidu Stanley Davis Phillipsi määramisele uueks USA suursaadikuks Eestis.
President George Bush esitas Phillipsi kandidatuuri Eestri suursaadiku kohale 5. detsembril.
Phillips oli seniajani firma Phillips Industries nõukogu esimees. Ta on olnud Põhja-Carolina osariigi kaubandusminister ning Smithsoni instituudi juhtkonna liige.
Heikki Aasaru
USA suursaadikuks Eestis kinnitati Stanley Davis Phillips ETV24 (6)
Kuumad uudised | 08 Mar 2007 | EWR
Viimased kommentaarid
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
It's obvious you've got no idea about Estonian politics, because you never ever make a reference to the subject when you comment. You're no Peter the Great, that's for sure!
Who's debating? Here, you make your silly pronouncements and, in response, you're jeered at.
"Who is this Davis character uncle Sam is letting emigrate to our shores?" -- you poor dunce! -- look up 'emigrate' in the dictionary; then, you'll understand that uncle Sam has no control over emigration and that an ambassador isn't an emigrant.
"Who is this Davis character uncle Sam is letting emigrate to our shores?" -- you poor dunce! -- look up 'emigrate' in the dictionary; then, you'll understand that uncle Sam has no control over emigration and that an ambassador isn't an emigrant.
It's not even worth debating the merits of performance between the late Robert Frasure and Adona Wos. The latter made a complete ninckompoop of herself. Who is this Davis character uncle Sam is letting emigrate to our shores?
Kuumad uudised