Välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika (english)
Kuumad uudised | 14 Apr 2002  | EEEWR
Välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika


EU FMs gathered for emergency talks on the Middle East in Luxembourg determined to increase diplomatic pressure on Israel to withdraw from Palestinian cities. EC President Romano Prodi said "isolated mediation" by the US had failed and called instead for multilateral Middle East peace talks involving the EU, the US, the UN, Russia, moderate Arab states, as well as Israel and the Palestinian Authority. (Reuters, 3.04) Two top EU envoys landed in Israel and faced a diplomatic crossfire over their urgent mission to press for a ceasefire in worsening Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed. Israeli PM Ariel Sharon appeared to slam the door to their meeting besieged Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and said a military offensive in the West Bank would continue in defiance of international pressure for a halt. (Reuters, 4.04)

Belgian FM Louis Michel said the EU could rethink trade ties with Israel after it barred high EU officials from meeting Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. "We could talk about it, debate it with them and possibly open a procedure to see whether it is suitable that such an agreement should remain valid after such an attitude on the part of Sharon," Michel said. The EC insisted the bloc did not feel humiliated by the Israeli rebuff, saying the envoys took "a calculated risk" in setting off on their mission. (Reuters, 7.04)

The EU stepped up pressure on Israel to withdraw its troops from Palestinian territories and called for an immediate ceasefire to end the spiral of violence in the Middle East. (Reuters, 2.04)

Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi said that he supported Russia's "fullest integration" with Europe as he held informal talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a Black Sea resort. "I don't know when it will happen, but I am absolutely certain that sooner or later Europe will have to open its doors for Russia, so that it becomes a fully-equal partner," the Italian leader was quoted as saying. (Afp, 2.04)

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