Vandaalid Jõekäärul...Vandalism at Jõekääru
Eestlased Kanadas | 20 Nov 2014  | EWR
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Meie armsa Jõekääru laagri korrashoid ja uuendused on üle aastate saanud teoks laagripere ja sõprade lahkete annetuste ja koostöö abil. Suur osa sellest tööst teostub kevadel ja sügisel. Sel sügisel sattus Jõekääru vandaalide ohvriks. Hoonetesse murti sisse kolmel erineval korral, mil ka lõhuti ja soditi. Politseid on teavitatud ning on selgunud, et vandaalide tegutsemist on esinenud ka Jõekääru naabruskonnas.

Täname Jõekääru lähikonda teatamast ja laagri maal valvsalt silma peal hoidmast. Täname teid, Eerik, Peter, Randy ja Valdeko, hoonete tugevdamise ja lõhutud akende laudadega katmise eest.
Our dear camp, Joekaaru, has been maintained and upgraded over the years by the donations and efforts of our generous extended camp family. Much of this work happens in the off-season, during the spring and fall. This fall, however, our camp was vandalized. On three occasions, buildings were broken into, and property was defaced or disrespected. The break-ins have been reported to the police, and it has come to our attention that not only the camp has been affected, but the community around it as well.

We thank the community for alerting us to the vandalism and for their continued vigilance around the camp. We also thank Eerik, Peter, Randy and Valdeko for helping secure the buildings and boarding up the damaged windows.
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