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Recently The Epoch Times has been exposing the actions within the US Democratic Party. The independent media outlet publishes a weekly newspaper in 23 languages in 35 countries. Recently they announced that they will be moving from a free source of information to a subscription model as of month end. They are a valuable source – investigating issues overlooked and often avoided by mainstream media. While founded in Atlanta in 2000 by Falun Dafa (Gong) followers to bring attention to the crimes of the communist Chinese regime the paper is independent and international in scope.
Their mission statement says it all. “We stand against the destruction wrought by communism, including the harm done to cultures around the world.” They report respectfully, compassionately, and rigorously. Case in point – the current issue of the weekly carried a lengthy opinion piece by William Brooks, the editor of The Civil Conversation, an ejournal connecting members of Canada’s Civitas Society. The title is A View from Canada: US Democrats should worry us all.
Brooks argues that the party of the progressives (Woodrow Wilson, FDR), long supported by legions in academia, journalism, entertainment and the arts has been moving America’s centre further and further away from its roots – classical liberalism, moral custom and constitutional government. He notes that post-modern historical revisionists are behind what author Jonah Goldberg calls the suicide of the West. With a thorough look at the historical origins such as the Lockean Tradition and the Marxist challenge influencing Western thought the opinion piece while critical is unbiased. Brooks argues for that much of the country’s history “Main Street America appeared relatively immune from flawed Utopian idealism and the romantic attractions of socialism.”
He notes how the first Democratic primary debate on June 27 emphasized “just how far the Democrats have veered to the left. The party has become more extreme than at any point in its modern history.” Florida journalist Christopher Roach, according to Brooks, believes that thereby the Democrats are “expressing increasing hostility to the country’s core institutions… founding principles and people.”
Canadians should care, argues Brooks even if we think that we are isolated, not influenced by US extremes. He asks: “Why should we care if a majority of Americans want to hand over their future to an aging leftist nomenklatura from the Bernie Sanders generation and semi-educated young socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?” He answers – as goes America so goes the free world.
Coupled with an earlier Epoch Times article, week of May 30- June 5, Brooks’ warning should be heeded. The group Stand against Communism warns that communists are infiltrating the US Democratic Party.
Is this a new form of McCarthyism? Or did the speakers at the event “Exposing Democrats’ Marxist/Socialist/Communist Ties” at the National Press Club in Washington on May 20 have a point. One question to ask is when Bernie Sanders declares himself a “socialist” what does it mean? For many it is but a step to communism. Author Trevor Loudon noted there “virtually every single major Democratic contender in this race has some sort of Marxist degree.” Or has connections to one – Sen. Kamala Harris’ father, a tenured professor at Stanford, received his sinecure because the vocal minority among students wanted to be taught by someone with an “alternative approach to economics.” Which as academics will admit means Marxist.
Loudon is the author of “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.” The book describes the activities of numerous American political organizations that make no bones about their affiliation with world socialist and communist umbrella groups. It is for the reader to determine whether this is a credible claim.
However, it must be stressed that indoctrination begins at a young age, especially on campus where the Marxist fellow traveller professors still brainwash students. Consider only what is taking place in Ontario. At Wilfred Laurier University, University of Guelph and UofT uneducated or at least poorly informed students are reverting to socialist tactics to protest against the teachings of non-Marxist professors.
More remains to be uncovered but it is hard to dismiss the very real possibility that infiltration and manipulation is taking place within the Democratic Party. For the young, this is a reminder. For the mature, however, who know about the world nothing new. An old adage holds that if at the age of 20 you are not a liberal you do not have a heart. But if at the age of 40 you are not a conservative you do not have a brain.
Veering even further left (1)
Arvamus | 17 Jul 2019 | EWR OnlineEWR
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To irrelevancy!
For good reason, consciencious parents of students with promise are directing students away from the liberal arts.
For good reason, consciencious parents of students with promise are directing students away from the liberal arts.