Stability and security in the Baltic Sea region and the success of economic and social programs in the area, depends on resolving the problems of minority groups, especially in Estonia and Latvia, according to Russia.
Venemaa hinnangul sõltub ... BNS (english)
Kuumad uudised | 05 Mar 2002 | EEEWR
Venemaa hinnangul sõltub Läänemere-äärse regiooni stabiilsus ja julgeolek ning ühtlasi majandus- ja sotsiaalprojektide edukas elluviimine väidetava rahvusvähemuste probleemi lahendamisest Balti riikides, eeskätt Lätis ja Eestis.
Stability and security in the Baltic Sea region and the success of economic and social programs in the area, depends on resolving the problems of minority groups, especially in Estonia and Latvia, according to Russia.
Stability and security in the Baltic Sea region and the success of economic and social programs in the area, depends on resolving the problems of minority groups, especially in Estonia and Latvia, according to Russia.
Kuumad uudised