Venemaa. Zhirinovski: NATO ei taha Balti riike liikmeks võtta KR (english)
Kuumad uudised | 05 Mar 2002  | EEEWR
Vene Liberaaldemokraatliku Partei juht Vladimir Zhirinovski on veendunud, et NATO ei taha tegelikult Balti riike liikmeks võtta, selles olevat ta veendunud isiklikel kohtumistel alliansi ametiisikutega. KR

Vladimir Zhirinovski, leader of the Russian Liberal Democrats, is convinced that NATO in reality doesn't want the Baltic States as members. This he claimsU.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Wednesday, crictizing Isreal, that the politics of killing Palestinians wonèt lead anywhere. "Prime Minister (Ariel)Sharon must look closely at his stern policies to see what's happening," said Powell while appearing before the Congress, giving Isreali policies a harsher appraisal than is usual from the administration. after meeting with the Alliance's officials.
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