300 liikmega Kindral Johan Laidoneri Selts tegutseb aastast 1994 ning tema eesmärgiks on olnud Johan Laidonerile kuulunud mõisa taastamine ja kindrali kunagises kodus sõjamuuseumi rajamine. samuti on selts oma tegevuse eesmärgiks seadnud isamaaliste aadete väärtustamise ja rahva kaitsetahte tugevdamise.
The General Johan Laindoner Society meets today at he Viimsi manor, where elections will choose a new honorary chairman and executive. There will be a presentation of awards to winners of an essay competition on the war of independence. The 300-member society, established in 1994, is active in rennovating the general's property and developing a musueum there. The group also is involved in furthering patriotic ideals and heightening values with regarding national defence.