Wages continue to grow in Estonia (15)
Eestlased Eestis | 27 Nov 2023  | EWR OnlineEWR
Photo: Markus Spiske - pics/2023/11/60660_001_t.jpg
Photo: Markus Spiske
According to Statistics Estonia, in the third quarter of 2023, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were 1,812 euros, which is 10.4% higher than in the same quarter last year. The median wages were 1,500 euros, which is 11.2% more than in the third quarter last year.

Liina Kuusik, analyst at Statistics Estonia, noted that, in the third quarter, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were the highest in information and communication (3,222 euros), financial and insurance activities (2,813 euros), and energy supply (2,376 euros). Average gross wages were the lowest in accommodation and food service activities (1,197 euros), other service activities* (1,202 euros), and real estate activities (1,265 euros). Average monthly wages and salaries increased the most in education (18.2%) and human health and social work activities (14.9%).

The average monthly gross wages and salaries were the highest in Harju (2,040 euros) and Tartu counties (1,790 euros), and the lowest in Valga (1,336 euros) and Saare counties (1,393 euros). Year on year, the biggest growth in wages and salaries was recorded in Ida-Viru (11.8%) and Valga counties (11.5%). Compared with the third quarter of last year, the growth in wages and salaries was the most modest in Rapla and Lääne counties (8.6% in each).

Median wages, i.e. the point at which half of employees earn more and half earn less, were 1,500 euros in the third quarter of 2023. By economic activity, median wages were the highest in information and communication (2,728 euros) and financial and insurance activities (2,353 euros). Median wages were the lowest in real estate activities (893 euros) and other service activities (962 euros).


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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Isiklik04 Dec 2023 18:36
Mina ei Eesti palkasid vàlja mòelnud.
Nùud làheb asi isiklikuks jàlle. Sellised plòksijad on tùhikargajad elus pole midagi saavutanud. Las olla, igal oinal on oma Mihklipàev.
Snuffy04 Dec 2023 18:24
Ei arva et keegi sinu fantaasiast on huvitatud.
Ajalooteadlane?04 Dec 2023 17:57
Vòin veel nimetada kommuniste, Ansip, Allik, Lauristin (Olga), Ingrid Rùutel jne. Mina olin manditori armees, nagu USA noored Vietnamis
Kommunismiga pole midagi pistmist.
Siin Torontos on kàinud ja kàivad endised KGB mehed ja naised.See on oht.

Loe kõiki kommentaare (15)

Eestlased Eestis
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