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Welcome to the Lige Family - Teretulemast perekond Ligele!
05 Sep 2020 EWR Online
COVID UPDATE: We are thrilled to have pastor Timo Lige and his family here now in Toronto ready to serve our community. We are looking forward to his ministry with us and getting to know him and his fam​ily more. Below are some videos he has shared since arriving in Toronto. We are anticipating our next virtual/live service to take place on September 13th at 11AM. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
 - pics/2020/09/57039_001_t.jpg
Meil on hea meel teatada, et perekond Lige on Torontosse jõudnud ja on valmis meie siinset kogudust ja kogukonda teenima. Allpool leiate mõned videod mida ta on siinoleku ajal juba salvestanud. Järgmine jumalateenistus toimub meie kirikus 13. septembril, kell 11:00. Loodame teid seal tervitada!