With Applause Klenk 2011 Declared A Success
Eestlased USAs | 16 Jan 2012  | Vaba Eesti SõnaVaba Eesti Sõna
Setting the record for attendance in the 21st Century, 150 participants responding to the invitation to share their love of Estonia and Estonian culture attended KLENK's annual sõpruspäevad and conference in St. Petersburg, Florida's Magnuson Hotel Marina Cove Conference Center, January 6 and 7, 2012.
Cohosted by the Estonian Society of Central Florida (Kesk Florida Eesti Selts) and the Estonian National Association of South Florida (Lõu-na Florida Eestlaste Koondis) and held outside its traditional Midwestern location at a new time of year, old and new friends came together from 15 states (from Florida to Washington and New York to California), Canada and Estonia, and students from Augsburg and Geislingen reunited.

Edasi loe Vaba Eesti Sõnast: http://tinyurl.com/6vyfmxp

Siilikesed Indianapolis's Estonian and Latvian Folk Music Group directed by Estonian Ain Haas performs at KLENK 2011, January 6, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Florida Photo: Lisa Mets

Saare Vikat New York's Folk Dance Group directed by Liisi Vanaselja performs at KLENK 2011, January 7, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Florida Photo: Maare Kuuskvere

The Honorable Sten Schwede, Estonian Consulate General in New York, and Eckerd College student and basketball player Kati Rausberg (from Tallinn) at KLENK 2011, January 6, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Florida Photo: Lisa Mets
KLENK 2011 Program Presenters: (front row, l to r) Kersti Linask, Lisa Mets, Sirje Kiin, Carina Diamond; (second row, l to r) Taavo Virkhaus, Nelli Vahter, Carl Orav, Monika Orumaa, Arno Kallas, Arne Kalm, Ain Haas. Missing: Linda Einpaul, Loit Maripuu, Tonu Toomepuu, Helve and Heiki Parts, Juri Toomepuu, Eric Sibul, January 7, 2012 Photo: Tiit Treude

Eestlased USAs