Words not to live by Estonian Life
Rahvusvahelised uudised | 19 Oct 2019 | EL (Estonian Life)Eesti Elu
Laas Leivat
The following attributes have been used to describe the character or personality of a prominent American:
Dishonest, irresponsible, delusional, psychopath, cruel, liar, uneducated, unprincipled, irresponsible, racist, misogynist, childish, power hungry, mean, crooked, uncaring, stupid, treasonous, nasty, unfit, disloyal, self-serving, egotistical, vain, corrupt, immature, manipulative, arrogant, blowhard, inconsistent.
Deceitful, cheater, malicious, petty, inconsiderate, mean spirited, immoral, simpleton, irrational, insensitive, petty, unkind, uncouth, greedy, vindictive, power hungry, simpleminded, abusive, cheat, draft dodger, unethical, untrustworthy, self-centred, bully, vulgar, sleazy, untruthful, superficial, self-aggrandizer.
Ignorant, egocentric, back-stabber, unfair, emotionally needy, cowardly, ignorant, narcissistic, uncultured, unhinged, braggart, disrespectful, despicable, thin skinned, needs sycophants, adores tyrants, humourless, mentally unstable.
Who is described above…. No guessing. You may disagree with some. You probably agree with others. That says something. (Loe edasi Eesti Elu 18.10.2019 paberlehest)
Rahvusvahelised uudised