Laas Leivat
The following attributes have been used to describe the character or personality of a prominent American:
Dishonest, irresponsible, delusional, psychopath, cruel, liar, uneducated, unprincipled, irresponsible, racist, misogynist, childish, power hungry, mean, crooked, uncaring, stupid, treasonous, nasty, unfit, disloyal, self-serving, egotistical, vain, corrupt, immature, manipulative, arrogant, blowhard, inconsistent.
Deceitful, cheater, malicious, petty, inconsiderate, mean spirited, immoral, simpleton, irrational, insensitive, petty, unkind, uncouth, greedy, vindictive, power hungry, simpleminded, abusive, cheat, draft dodger, unethical, untrustworthy, self-centred, bully, vulgar, sleazy, untruthful, superficial, self-aggrandizer.
Ignorant, egocentric, back-stabber, unfair, emotionally needy, cowardly, ignorant, narcissistic, uncultured, unhinged, braggart, disrespectful, despicable, thin skinned, needs sycophants, adores tyrants, humourless, mentally unstable.
Who is described aboveā¦. No guessing. You may disagree with some. You probably agree with others. That says something. (Loe edasi Eesti Elu 18.10.2019 paberlehest)