TALLINN 30. JUNE – 2. JULY 2017
The Toronto Estonian School Choir has performed admirably at five song festivals in Tallinn, Estonia – in 2004, 2009 and 2014 as well as youth song festivals in 2007 and 2011. Memories of a lifetime, singing with 25,000+ choir members for audiences of 100,000+. Each trip has included an adventure-filled excursion within Estonia of various lengths and destinations. In 2005 the choir participated in the song festival and performed a stand-alone concert at the West Coast Estonian Days in Harris Springs, BC. Vancouver and Vancouver Island excursions were included.
Ages up to 26 ( born 1991 or later) students and graduates
Practices to begin spring 2016 on weekends
INFO MEETING: November 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Estonian House where we can discuss excursion, etc
Please register for choir between November 3rd - 30th, 2015:
Reet Lindau-Vokseppreetlindau@gmail.com 647-231-3390
Elle Rosenbergelle.rosenberg@sympatico.ca 416-970-5930
From registrations, we will able to determine whether we register with the song festival committee as participants as a mixed choir or a children’s choir.
January 10th - $100 deposit to school choir acct. #2577 at Estonian Credit Union adding “name” & “2017”