Tartu Rahvaülikooli segakoor Toronto Peetri kirikus VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
vaataja28 Jun 2024 14:14
Ilus kontsert. Hea repertuaar. Head hääled. Eesti foneetika on ikka kaunis. küll. Karismaatiline koorjuht. Hästi ülesvõetud. EWR täidab oma missiooni. Sound nagu alati, võinuks parem olla, koor oli kenasti kuulda. Hea meel, et Peetri kirik on alles.
vaataja28 Jun 2024 14:17
tsensor, nagu Delfis
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: vaataja (14:14)
Volunteer28 Jun 2024 19:07
So fantastic! Can’t wait for even bigger concerts at keskus!!! Will be a world class venue worthy of such a performance.. Elagu Eesti..Saagu KESKUS!
Kiriku liige29 Jun 2024 05:58
My goodness. Commenting like a child which is why there is no trust in the building or future management of Keskus. You just can't be happy for a lovely concert at the church, eh? you have to come on here and say, "me too, me too", we'll have great concerts too" and put in a jab. Sad.
Debbie D30 Jun 2024 07:30
The sad truth is that there won't be any Estonian culture at that new venue. Our community activity is at the bottom of the priority heap for this group of johnny-come-latelys, fair-weather-Estonians and narcissists who have appointed themselves to that project.
Thanks to the Latvian Centre and Saint Peter's Church, and others, who are making up for the failure to provide our community, our culture and our langauge, a home.
to: Debbie D30 Jun 2024 14:52
I am pretty sure Tartu College is and will continue to be a part of Keskus... if am I misunderstanding something could you explain why TC will stop holding Estonian culture events?

Vaata veel ...

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